As of lately, I have been quite interested in reading food blogs. Yes, blogs about food. I am actually quite amazed about how many are out there. I have a few favorites, some of which are listed on the side of this blog. I wish I could come up with recipes on my own, but for now, I will simply follow along.
I enjoy cooking and baking different meals but making desserts is my favorite. There's just something about putting ingredients together that end up being the perfect end to a perfect day.
I have been eyeing a certain recipe for a couple of weeks now. Cookies & Cream Truffles. Need I say more? Ingredients: Oreos (yes, a whole bag of oreos), cream cheese and chocolate. That's it. I wasn't planning on blogging about these so I didn't take any pictures, but after I realized how easy and delicious they were, I had to share. Here is the end result:
These remind me of hanging out at the Coleys while dunking Oreos in milk. The good ole' days.
The next time I make these truffles - yes, there will definitely be a next time - I will use white chocolate to drizzle on top. You could even add food coloring to the white chocolate for a burst of color. Matt is already looking forward to the next batch and we haven't even finished this one yet!
Credit: I got this recipe here. Jamie Lothridge posted the recipe and is the author/creator of I have made a few of her recipes and have loved every one of them.
Last week I made some hummus which turned out fabulously! I have lots of pictures of the process to share so I will post them very soon!