Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cookies & Cream Truffles

As of lately, I have been quite interested in reading food blogs.  Yes, blogs about food.  I am actually quite amazed about how many are out there.  I have a few favorites, some of which are listed on the side of this blog.  I wish I could come up with recipes on my own, but for now, I will simply follow along.

I enjoy cooking and baking different meals but making desserts is my favorite.  There's just something about putting ingredients together that end up being the perfect end to a perfect day.

I have been eyeing a certain recipe for a couple of weeks now.  Cookies & Cream Truffles.  Need I say more?  Ingredients: Oreos (yes, a whole bag of oreos), cream cheese and chocolate.  That's it.  I wasn't planning on blogging about these so I didn't take any pictures, but after I realized how easy and delicious they were, I had to share.  Here is the end result:

These remind me of hanging out at the Coleys while dunking Oreos in milk.  The good ole' days.

The next time I make these truffles - yes, there will definitely be a next time - I will use white chocolate to drizzle on top.  You could even add food coloring to the white chocolate for a burst of color. Matt is already looking forward to the next batch and we haven't even finished this one yet!

Credit:  I got this recipe here.  Jamie Lothridge posted the recipe and is the author/creator of  I have made a few of her recipes and have loved every one of them.

Last week I made some hummus which turned out fabulously!  I have lots of pictures of the process to share so I will post them very soon!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Where's the Snow?

This past week has been an exciting one for Houston.  Earlier in the week, we were told that there was a chance of snow for Friday (yesterday).  As we got closer to the end of the week, that chance got higher and higher.  I even heard at one point that we would get up to 6 inches of snow.  Any snow for Houston is pretty amazing, but 6 inches is just crazy! 

By Thursday, the forecasters were telling us that the icy conditions could come by the afternoon, so the school (where I work) closed early and we went home.  That evening, I anxiously looked out the window every half hour or so to see if there was any snow.  Forecasters were now saying the snow was to start around midnight.  So I went to sleep.  I woke up pretty early and looked out the window.  And what did I see?  Nothing...not one bit of snow.  There was ice all over Houston, causing over 800 car accidents since Thursday night, but no least where I live. There were reports of snow flurries, but I didn't see any.  It was a little too warm, apparently

The positive part of all of this is we were able to take Friday off...for a "snow" day.  Matt and I rented a few movies and stayed home all day, which doesn't happen very often.  If I had the right ingredients, I'd probably be baking something like Jamie's snickers cupcakes or Jessica's snickerdoodles.  It's probably a good idea I don't have those items.  I'll stick to eating healthy stuff like salad and apples :)

I do, however, have ingredients to make homemade hummus.  I am thrilled about it.  You see, I just got a food processor for Christmas and have been wanting to make hummus ever since.  So, with all of this time on my hands, I think I will finally make some!