Saturday, February 5, 2011

Where's the Snow?

This past week has been an exciting one for Houston.  Earlier in the week, we were told that there was a chance of snow for Friday (yesterday).  As we got closer to the end of the week, that chance got higher and higher.  I even heard at one point that we would get up to 6 inches of snow.  Any snow for Houston is pretty amazing, but 6 inches is just crazy! 

By Thursday, the forecasters were telling us that the icy conditions could come by the afternoon, so the school (where I work) closed early and we went home.  That evening, I anxiously looked out the window every half hour or so to see if there was any snow.  Forecasters were now saying the snow was to start around midnight.  So I went to sleep.  I woke up pretty early and looked out the window.  And what did I see?  Nothing...not one bit of snow.  There was ice all over Houston, causing over 800 car accidents since Thursday night, but no least where I live. There were reports of snow flurries, but I didn't see any.  It was a little too warm, apparently

The positive part of all of this is we were able to take Friday off...for a "snow" day.  Matt and I rented a few movies and stayed home all day, which doesn't happen very often.  If I had the right ingredients, I'd probably be baking something like Jamie's snickers cupcakes or Jessica's snickerdoodles.  It's probably a good idea I don't have those items.  I'll stick to eating healthy stuff like salad and apples :)

I do, however, have ingredients to make homemade hummus.  I am thrilled about it.  You see, I just got a food processor for Christmas and have been wanting to make hummus ever since.  So, with all of this time on my hands, I think I will finally make some!


Cassie said...

Mmm... homemade hummus, yum!
I expect a picture and recipe soon :)